Thursday 2 August 2012

AVERT ELECTRIC storms-quakes-volcanism/clouding/floods-volcanic winters

ANTI-FATALIST friends, a good start to AVERT ELECTRIC storms and more Fukushimas explosions is to call volunteers in your region, for animal behaviour/RADON measurements (that show how stimulated the fault is) and for calculation of how many lightning-rods (to DIVERT celestial electricity that stimulates magma, as hundreds lightning-rods ALREADY do in cities!) are sufficient across your mountains and nearest fault - if in sea, they will be held on buoys.

EVERYDAY EXPOSE the ARROGANCE of IMPROVIDENT egomaniacs that REFUSED to shut Japan nuclear stations, when ALERTED TWO DAYS before the big quake by prof. E. Khalilov*, who underlines** the FACT that quakes (as thunderbolts and volcanoes) are caused by DIVERTIBLE celestial electricity:
**"Νow,thanks to the involvement of scientists from other fields of science including biology and astrophysics in preparations for the report, it has become apparent that the currently observed events are ofgalactic scale and are directly related to THE POSITION OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM IN OUR GALAXY, the Milky Way. It is this position that has a major impact on the formation of geological megacycles during which planet-scale biodiversity change is observed".
-“A 2011 Oak Ridge National Laboratory report warned of a 33 percent likelihood that a solar flare could lead to ‘long-term power loss’ over a nuclear reactor’s life. With 440 nuclear power plants in 30 countries, and 250 research reactors, there are nearly 700 potential Fukushimas waiting to be unleashed.”
That's why ALL humans must learn and cooperate SOON, to AVERT many more Fukushimas explosions, with potential BILLIONS of victims!...
Rising earthquakes-precursor of AVERTABLE volcanic winters/nuclear holocaust - Other necessary preparations...